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Hindu God Story | Lord Hanuman Story | Goodtalk

 Peruse the story of Lord Hanuman in Hindi in this article Lord Hanuman Story in Hindi. Every one of these accounts show the monstrous force, dedication and information on Rama enthusiast Hanuman. Additionally clarifies their significance in Hinduism. 

Master Hanuman was an extraordinary enthusiast of Lord Shri Rama. The name of Lord Sri Hanuman is referenced in numerous spots in Hindu conventional and recorded stories or story. Would you like to peruse the tales of the incomparable Hanuman? Do you know numerous realities and energizing stories related with Hanuman ji? Tell us these unheard accounts of Hanuman itself. 

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1. The story of Hanuman's introduction to the world The introduction of Hanuman Story in Hindi 

Ruler Shiva pronounced Rama as his divinity and Shiva communicated his craving to manifest on earth to serve him. At the point when Sati dissented and said that she would recollect him, Shiva vowed to send just a piece of himself to Earth and in this manner remained with her on Kailash. 

They started to examine the issue, thinking about what to do; If he takes the state of a man, he will disregard the religion of administration, in light of the fact that the worker ought not be more prominent than the expert. Shiva at last chooses to appear as a monkey, as it is modest, its requirements and way of life are basic: no sanctuary, no prepared food, and no adherence to rank and way of life. . This would permit greatest extension for administration. 

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2. Master Shri Ram's Vaikuntha Gaman and Hanuman's brain meandering Lord Shri Ram back to Vaikuntha Story I Hindi 

Yama, the lord of death, feared Hanuman, Hanuman ji guarding the entryways of Rama's castle and plainly nobody could remove Rama from them. With the end goal for Yama to enter, it was important to meander Hanuman's brain. 

So Rama dropped his ring into a break in the castle floor and mentioned that Hanuman go to bring it, later, Hanuman understood that entering Nag-lok and this time with the ring was not a mishap. . 

This was Rama's method of saying that he was unable to forestall the looming demise. In this manner Shri Rama disavowed his human body and went to Vaikuntha. 

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3. The story of Sugriv and Hanuman's fellowship Sugriv and Hanuman Story in Hindi 

Hanuman picked Lord Surya as his educator and mentioned him to instruct messages. Surya concurred and made Hanuman his pupil. Hanuman's focus made him a traditional master in 60 hours. At that point Surya said that a charge would need to be paid for this accomplishment. Ruler Surya requested that Hanuman help his child Sugriva as his clergyman and buddy. 

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4. The story of revile on Hanuman Curse on Hanuman Story in Hindi 

In his youth, Hanuman was devilish, and now and again used to prod the sadhus reflecting in the woodlands. His tricks were insufferable, yet realizing that Hanuman was a kid, the sage set a mellow revile on him because of which he lost his capacity to recollect his force. 

He had failed to remember his forces until someone else reminded him. This revile was uncovered in the Kishkinda outrage and Sundarkand, when Jambant helped Hanuman to remember his forces and urged Sita to come and discover him. 

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5. Hanuman Son Makardhwaj Katha Hanuman Son Makardhwaj Story 

Despite the fact that he never wedded, Lord Hanuman plunged into the ocean subsequent to consuming Lanka, at that point a drop of his perspiration fell into the mouth of a popular fish from which Makardhwaja was conceived. Makardhwaja was made the defender of Hades, while Hanuman and Makardhwaja met. 

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6. For what reason do individuals offer vermilion to Lord Hanuman? For what reason is Hanuman canvassed in Sindoor?

One day after the outcast, when Sita and Rama got back to Ayodhya, Hanuman saw Mata Sita getting sindoor and asked what it connoted? Mata Sita answered that these conventional wedded ladies apply vermilion to the life span of their better half's life. 

So Hanuman went and he covered the vermilion over his whole body, which influenced Rama and revealed to Hanuman that whoever would give you the vermilion, every one of their hindrances would be taken out from his life. 

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7. Hanuman's Bhima story 

Hanuman is viewed as Bhima's sibling as his dad was additionally Pawan Dev. During the outcast of the Pandavas, Hanuman masks Bhima as a feeble and old monkey so he can decrease his haughtiness. Hanuman had his tail hindered the best approach to Bhima. Bhima uncovers his personality and requests that he move far removed. 

Hanuman wouldn't withdraw. At the point when Bhima said once more, he said, "Get off my tail, at that point Bhima attempted to eliminate his tail yet he couldn't notwithstanding his incredible strength, at that point Bhima understood that he is no standard monkey, at that point Bhima surrendered He concurred and his personality was no more. 

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8. Music educator Hanuman Master of music Hanuman 

As indicated by Hanuman Katha, Hanuman is one of the four individuals who have heard the Bhagavad Gita from Krishna and seen Vishwaroop, the other three being Arjuna, Sanjay and Barbarika, the children of Ghatotkacha. The Narada Purana portrays Hanuman as the expert of vocal music and the joined force of Shiva and Vishnu. 

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9. Brahma's favors to Hanuman Blessing of Brahma to Hanuman 

Hanuman's commitment and constancy dazzled Brahma such a lot of that he favored him with numerous helps. This incorporated the capacity to be invulnerable to weapons, to change his structure voluntarily and to have the option to travel any place he needed effortlessly. 

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10. Hanuman's guarantee to Shri Rama Hanuman's guarantee to Lord Rama 

His last guarantee with Rama was that as long as Rama's name would be recollected and revered, he would furtively live on Earth. 

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11. Sri Rama and Sita Lord Hanuman in Hanuman's heart in Hanuman's heart 

Subsequent to getting back to Ayodhya, Rama and Sita chose to respect every one of the individuals who had caused him and when it went to Hanuman's turn, Sitaji gave him his pearl accessory as a blessing. 

At the point when Hanuman gets the accessory, his tears stream and he begins looking for Sita Rama in each pearl, when inquired as to why he says that Lord Rama and Sita are inside each pearl, he said that Rama-Sita's Without this neckband there is no worth. 

Individuals around him began ridiculing him and said that his relationship with Lord Rama and Sita couldn't be pretty much as profound as he asserted, at that point he opened his chest to show Rama Sita in his heart and Rama Sita They were truly obvious in his heart. 

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12. Story of Lord Shani and Hanuman and Shani Dev Story 

As indicated by the law of Brahma, Lord Shani was in Ravana's detainment until Lord Hanuman arrived at Lanka looking for Mother Sita. At the point when Hanuman ji's tail was determined to fire, he set Lanka ablaze with the assistance of his tail. At that point they discovered Lord Shani in the storm cellar of Ravana's castle. At the modest solicitation of Lord Shani, Sri Hanuman ji delivered him from detainment. 

The Lankas were blended into remains and Sri Hanuman acquired the assistance of Lord Shani trying to demolish Lanka. Since Lord Shani was satisfied with Hanuman, he asked him for administration. On this, Lord Hanuman was guaranteed to Lord Shani that he would not upset the individuals who are lovers of Lord Hanuman. 

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13. Hanuman and Bharat meet India and Hanuman Story 

He was harmed when Hanuman ji was crossing Ayodhya with the mountain in his grasp. As he was crossing Ayodhya, Rama's more youthful sibling Bharata saw him and accepted that a portion of the watchmen planned to assault Ayodhya from this mountain. Bharat at that point shot a bolt conveying Rama's name which was engraved with Rama's name. 

Hanuman didn't stop this bolt since it was written for the sake of Rama and that bolt went out harming his leg. Hanuman dropped and disclosed to Bharat that he was taking the mountain to save his sibling Lakshmana. 

Bharata, communicating incredible lament, offered Hanuman a fire bolt, which Hanuman could use as a ride to arrive at the combat zone? However, Hanuman declined the offer, and flew, and he proceeded with his excursion with his harmed leg. 

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14. Hanuman's story on Arjun's chariot Hanuman on Arjun's Ratha Story 

In a contention among Hanuman and Arjuna, Arjuna guaranteed that he could remake the scaffold worked by the Vanar Sena utilizing his toxophilism abilities in the clash of Lord Rama with Ravana. Hanuman challenges whether Arjuna can assemble an extension that can withstand his weight. 

However, Arjuna's disappointment was resolved that Arjuna would leave his life by entering the fire, Arjun constructed a scaffold in a second and when Hanuman stepped on it, the whole extension broke, Arjun took his life extremely frustrated. Chosen to do. As of now Lord Krishna showed up and requested that Arjuna assemble the extension and said, Build the scaffold with the name of Shri Rama, Arjun built the extension, and requested that Hanuman stroll on it. 

In spite of his earnest attempts, Hanuman couldn't break the scaffold; At this time Hanuman saw Shri Ram in Lord Krishna and said that if the military let him be, he would be on the banner of Arjuna's chariot in fight. He vowed to help Arjuna in the battle by being on the banner of Arjuna's chariot, consequently he stayed stable and got him in the skirmish of Mahabharata. 

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15. Story of Hanuman's obligation Lord Hanuman's obligations story 

Toward the finish of the Sri Lankan War, after the crowning ordinance of Rama as King of Ayodhya, at long last, harmony won in the realm. Hanuman adored Rama, and served him in full love and quit any pretense of everything, he surrendered for all intents and purposes everything to serve Rama. Sita ji frequently considered the big picture and one day, she chose to take care of business and requested Rama to diminish Hanuman from his obligations. 

In any case, Sita, Bharata and Shatrughna split all obligations between themselves and assuaged Hanuman of all work. Out of tragic inclination, Hanuman contended that a significant errand actually remained. At the point when Rama yawned the heavenly manifestation of Vishnu Jyoti, at that point he utilized his fingers, accordingly a life expectancy was excessively short for this work, he went through the entire day sitting close to Rama.

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16. Ruler Shiva and Hanuman's battle story

In the wake of getting back to Ayodhya, Rama thought about playing out the Ashwamedha yagna, with Bharat's child Pushkal given to Shatru Dhan the undertaking of ensuring the pony. At the point when the ponies arrived at Devpur, Veer Muni and his children were the proprietors - fans of Lord Shiva. 

Angad tied the pony and he imagined that nobody can beat his dad. In the fight, Pushkal slaughtered Veer Muni and Lord Shiva dispatched and crushed Virabhadra to stand up to Pushkal and Shatru Dhan. 

At the point when Lord Hanuman heard this, Lord Shiva assaulted and said that despite the fact that you are a fan of Rama around evening time, you are my adversary and he continued battling Shiva. Shiva was dazzled by this accomplishment of Hanuman and later assisted with dealing with Pushkal and Shatru Dhan while Hanuman carried Sanjeevani from the Himalayas to restore him.

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